Content of the site
Artistic director: Association
Administration: Committee of the Association
The association works to guarantee the accuracy and the update of the information published on its site; therefore, it reserves the right to correct, at any time and without notice, the content of the same. However, the association cannot guarantee its completeness or the absence of modification by a third party (intrusion, virus). Moreover, the association is exempt from any responsibility (direct or indirect) in case of mistake or omission regarding the contents of these pages and the use that could be made by anyone as well as in case interruption or unavailability of the service.
Hyperlinks and viruses
The association does not control or guarantee the creation of links to other websites as well as the content of these sites. Therefore, your decision to access another site through a hyperlink is your sole responsibility. You must take the necessary precautions to ensure that the site you have chosen does not contain any viruses or other malicious elements. Similarly, the association is not responsible for the hypertext links connecting the site and forbids any person to set up such a link without its express authorization.
Property rights and copyright
All the content in this website is subject to copyright. You may not reproduce (in whole or in part), transmit (by electronic or other means), modify, link to or use this site for any commercial or public purpose without the prior written permission of the association You agree to give the information contained on this site a personal and non-commercial use.
Protection of personal data
The association cannot guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of information on the internet. There is a risk that the messages you send to us electronically will be intercepted and/or changed, both in content and origin. The association declines all responsibility in this regard.
In no event shall the association be held liable for any special or indirect damage that may result from accessing or using, or the inability to access or use, the data of this Internet site.
No offer
The content of this website is purely informative. Any contact from any third-party with the association will be deemed to be initiated by said third party only.
Lack of insurance and warranty
Despite all reasonable efforts carried out by the association to obtain information from sources that appear to be reliable, the association does not warrant that the information on the website is accurate, reliable or complete. The information on this website is provided for information and personal use only and is subject to change without notice.
Limitations related to different national laws and regulations
The products and services described on this website may be subject to limitations for certain people or in certain countries. It is the responsibility of the parties involved to take all the necessary steps to ensure that they do not solicit from the association, any product and service which, due to the laws of their country of origin or any other country on which they depend, that is prohibited or would require a special authorization. It is the responsibility of the readers of this disclaimer to ensure that access to this site is authorized by the country from which they log in. It is the responsibility of the Internet user to learn about this and to act accordingly, without the association having any responsibility on said matter.
Applicable law
The use of this website is subject to Swiss law.