Anne Keller
Born in Bern, grew up in Lausanne and lives in Geneva
Mother of Louis in 1992 and of Claire and Paul in 1994
Graduated from HEAD (ESAV): plastic research and specialisation in art history in 1996
Studio :
2008-2023 Picto, av. Ernest-Pictet 28
1996-2008 Artamis, rue du Stand 12
1993-1996 Gus, rue des Genadiers 10
Exhibitions and publications :
– Follow-up of the construction site, org. Cantonal office of buildings, Etat de Genève
– Prix libre, installation, U-Topic market, org. Espace Topic
– Drapeau, org. Big biennial (assembly n°8 with AKIK)
– Correspondance 2, publication with E. Kukorelly, org. Big biennial
– Exhibition #at home 1 with I.Klaus, org. association
– Post it, exhibition I LOVE #ArtisteDici, public display, org. : city of Geneva
– Two editions, market Click and collect, org. Donatella Bernardi
– Coincoin, exhibition Avant demain (transl. « Before tomorrow »), Penthes, org. Fcac
– Pre-project Oiseaux, aula du collège Rousseau, org. Fcac
– Publication of the comprehensive annotated catalogue,
– Assemblage n°7, with AKIK, web publication for Platforms Project, org. biennale Big
– Correspondance, publication of a text with E. Kukorelly, org. biennale Big
– Lieux et cartels d’exposition, publication of a booklet, with AKIK, org. biennale Big
– Assemblage n°4, with AKIK, Workshop (rrr)ouvre-toi, org. Act-art
– 9 Cartes, exhibition Julkonstwerk, RU (Ressources Urbaines), org. Elena Montesinos
– Monte charge, exhibition 10 ans de Picto, org. Espace Topic
– Jaune, exhibition Vulvacious, org. E. Kukorelly, with A. Marzullo, H. Fiedler
– Abus de pouvoir, ZabriskyPoint gallery, org. Collectif Nous, Professionnellxs
– Soie sauvage, galerie 1-Pièce, org. Lučka Koščak
– Assemblage n°3, with AKIK, galerie 1-Pièce, org. Lučka Koščak
– Narcisses, exhibition, org. biennale Big
– Assemblage n°2, with AKIK, Atelier (rrr)ouvre-toi, org. Act-art
– Coincoin, Vers une esthétique de la disparition (transl. Toward an esthetic of disappearance), exhibition, org. Fcac
– Chaux, with Alain Vaucher, org. biennale Big
– Assemblage n°1, with AKIK, Atelier (rrr)ouvre-toi, org. Act-art
Article, La nature des choses, notes sur le travail d’A.K. (transl. The nature of things notes on A.K work), Stéphane Collet
– Calicots, 2m2c Vevey, org. Fondation Woman against mutilations
– Cercle rouge, exhibition Rathania’s – art similis casus, org. City of Geneva, Rath museum
Coloured pencil, oil, canvas glued to cardboard – 30 x 30 cm

450 .- acquisition form
Cotton thread, pins, canvas, frame – ø 20 cm

800 .- acquisition form
Oil, canvas, stretcher – 50 x 50 cm
Detail of a knitted fabric.

800 .- acquisition form